In the fall of 2023, the Trellis Foundation board of directors approved over $2 million in new grant awards, including:

  • A total of $1 million to four advocacy nonprofits to support the participation of Texas college students in policy fellowship programs: The Education Trust in Texas, Every Texan, IDRA, and Young Invincibles.
  • A $110,000 grant award supporting the Alliance for Higher Education in Prison in organizing a Texas HEP Convening in 2024 for program practitioners, Texas policy makers, state agency leaders, and university administrators.
  • $120,000 in support of the University of Texas at Austin College of Education to examine how state-level pressures and sociopolitical environments are shaping racial inclusion policy and practice on college campuses.
  • A grant of $200,000 to the University of Texas System to improve student success at scale by redesigning curricular pathways at the UT System’s nine academic institutions.
  • An award of $500,000 to the Association of Community Colleges (ACCT) to expand the number of Head Start programs on community college campuses in Texas in partnership with the National Head Start Association (NHSA).
  • $300,000 to Alliance of Community Assistance Ministries (ACAM) as the lead coordinating agency for the Greater Houston Opportunity Youth Collaborative (GHOYC) to reengage disconnected young adults and scale healthcare career pathways.

About Trellis Foundation

Trellis Foundation advances equitable educational opportunities in Texas by supporting postsecondary programs, practices and systems that reduce disparities and lead to success for low-income students and students of color. More information is available at